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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Comments on The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590)

2012 June 27

The Supreme Court is set to rule this week on the constitutionality of H.R. 3590, better known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 this week. Hearings for the bill were held before the Supreme Court March 26-28. The decision is expected to be announced Thursday. Below are some recent comments on the issue.

"In the coming weeks, the United States Supreme Court will rule on the constitutionality of the president's health care law. While I am hopeful that the legislation will be ruled unconstitutional, if the Supreme Court does not throw out the entire law, we will repeal what's left of it. Make no mistake; House Republicans are committed to fully repealing all of the harmful policies -- the mandates, penalties, and tax hikes -- in ObamaCare."- Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)

"On the legal merits, the opponents of the Affordable Care Act are just wrong. Health care constitutes one-sixth of the economy. It is absurd to suggest that in the 21st century the federal government, exercising its authority under the Commerce Clause, cannot make laws affecting an area that is so clearly commerce. As Reagan appointee Laurence Silberman wrote, Congress of course has the power "to forge national solutions to national problems."- Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA)

“[H.R. 3590] is having an impact on middle income families that want to have good jobs. We also found out that 30 percent of employers in this country plan on dropping people once Obamacare's put in ...

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Volunteer Spotlight: Janet Paduhovich

2012 June 26

Are you a member of Project Vote Smart? Are you interested in contributing your time to volunteering? Member Janet Paduhovich tells us about her experience volunteering for 2-weeks at the Great Divide Ranch.
For more information on our Member Volunteer Program, click here

National Intern Spotlight: Sean Pedigo

2012 June 25

We threw the spotlight on one of our new interns, Sean, and asked him a few questions about his time, so far, here at the Great Divide Ranch... 
For more information on our National Internship Program, click here

June Common Ground E-Newsletter

2012 June 12

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Standing Your Ground Across The States

2012 June 12

The February 26 shooting of Trayvon Martin has ignited a media firestorm surrounding so-called “stand your ground” or “castle doctrine” laws in the United States. 

Are you a current student or recent grad?

2012 June 01

We are still looking for bright, politically-minded individuals for our 2012 National Internship Program available this Summer and Fall 2012. Spend 10-weeks at our beautiful ranch-style research facilities and help us provide citizens with the factual, unbiased information. Trust us, this isn't your typical internship.

Comments on Unemployment Rate

2012 June 01

The US unemployment rate was published at 8.2% for the month of May, rising a tenth of a point from April's 8.1%. Here's what several congress members had to say about it...

Will your candidates show political courage?

2012 May 23

Every election year, Project Vote Smart uses the Political Courage Test (PCT) to measure the willingness of candidates to provide their positions on key issues. Find out now if your candidates are currently being tested. 

May Common Ground E-Newsletter

2012 May 17

Sign up now to receive a copy of this monthly publication.

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