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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

America's Best Media Crew

2008 July 22 - Media

We have been generating a lot of news coverage for the last couple of weeks. It has even provoked some competitive spirit among the organized media teams. There is a competition over which team can gain the most media coverage- the Voter's Self Defense Manual troop, the Bus Tour squad, or the Political Courage Test posse. The contest formally known as "This is not a Contest" Contest is the entire rage in the front office of the Great Divide Ranch. The contest is being judged on the amount of national coverage and also the number of phone interviews conducted.

July 1st marked the official starting date of the contest. The Bus Tour squad has taken the lead with 28 phone interviews conducted. The Political Courage Test posse is in second place with 22 interviews under its belt. The Voter's Self Defense Manual troop, which only began three days ago, has secured 13 interviews to round out last place. Brandon, the PCT posse leader, believes that "we are not in second place, Tony does not update the scorecard fast enough." The VSDM troop also feels cheated but has high hopes of catching up and winning in the end. Stephanie is convinced that "they're just jealous, we are going to win." The race is still in its beginning stages so there is no telling who will become America's Best Media Crew.

Sarah has been placed in a league of her own as she calls Public Service Announcement Directors to sell ...

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