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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Common Ground e-Newsletter: November 2015

2015 November 05 - Melisa Oberti

E-Newsletter November, 2015





Every week it seems there is a new divisive and contentious issue capturing the nation's attention. The media obsesses over them, politicians fight over them, and citizens are stuck in the middle of mistrust, misinformation, and misleading headlines. The facts deserve a place in any discussion about any issue and should be available at any moment and anywhere. Vote Smart has decided to make that possible.


Soon, you will be able to take out your smart phone or tablet, click on our app and receive a curated selection of information on the most pressing issues facing the nation at that moment. If a major bill is being voted on, a national crisis is taking place, or the Supreme Court is making a major ruling, just go to the app and see everything being said and done by politicians related to that issue. Issues are the heartbeat of politics. This mobile app will enable you to track them more closely and accurately than ever before.


- Jamieson Bates, Interim National Director






Vote Smart’s University of Texas Key Votes Division has selected 114 new Key Votes. Each has been reviewed by our 172 academic and journalist consultants, summarized by our staff in short, easy-to-understand terms, and put up on our web site over the past two months. Check out our website to see how your representatives represented you as they voted on key legislation ...

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