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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Three Prominent Elections Experts Join Vote Smart Board

2014 September 09

Three Prominent Elections Experts Join Vote Smart Board

Brooks Jackson, Ted McConnell, Sheila Krumholz

Philipsburg, MT. — Three prominent political research experts have joined the board of Vote Smart (, the leading non-partisan national research organization focused on politicians and elections. Their addition to the board acknowledges and addresses the critical need for easy access to non-partisan information on incumbents and candidates for political office at all levels.

Vote Smart President Richard Kimball welcomed the new board members saying, “With this added brain trust, Vote Smart solidifies its position as America's most trusted source for millions of facts on those who represent us—or want to replace those who do!”
Brooks Jackson: Former reporter for Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal and CNN. As an AdWatch pioneer he founded at the Annenberg Public Policy Center. The Cronkite/Jackson award for reducing the level of deception in U.S. Politics is named in Brooks’ honor.
Ted McConnell: Executive Director of the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools. He is the former Director of the Campaign to Promote Civic Education and has served on boards at Citizenship Counts, MacNeil/Lehrer Productions, Rock the Vote, Special Olympics, and the Annenberg Presidential Learning Center at the Reagan Presidential Library.
Sheila Krumholz: Executive Director of the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP). Fast Company named her to its “Most Influential Women in Technology” list. CRP is the nation’s preeminent campaign finance watchdog and one of Vote Smart’s most important partners.

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