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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Who is Keith Russell Judd?

2012 May 10

Press coverage works in mysterious ways. After the 1,000's of hours or research, fact-checking, proofreading etc. that we do on candidates in the limelight, like Mitt Romney and Ron Paul, or President Obama, it came as a bit of surprise when we started getting phone calls about one Keith Russell Judd – Democratic Presidential candidate who is currently campaigning in....jail.

As media outlets and bloggers scrambled to find the back story for Mr. Judd, who won a surprising 41% of the vote in a West Virginia primary on May 8th against his more well-known and better-funded opponent, President Barack Obama, it began to emerge that only one (very) reputable source had bothered to reach out to this possible nominee – On Keith “Mtr. President, Dark Priest, W.D., Rusy...” Russell Judd's Vote Smart profile page you can find much the same information as you would for any other candidates.

"Would Insane Texas Prisoner Keith Judd Make a Good Vice President?"

National Journal  
"Felon Advances on Obama in West Virginia"

"How the felon won"

Project Vote Smart gives an equal footing for all candidates – if you're running we'll put you on the site. We send out thousands of copies of our Political Courage Test to anyone who's filed the correct papers with the Federal Elections Commission, and anyone who responds will see their information disclosed on We have over 300 presidential candidate profiles, the vast majority of whom will not get ...

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A Volunteer Experience like No Other

2012 May 01

Summer is almost here and as always, we could sure use help from those Vote Smart members who are looking to pair a vacation with good works. Whether you have watched our introduction video or visited us in the past, you should know that our research headquarters are uniquely nestled in the high peaks, lakes and streams of the Continental Divide, at the Great Divide Ranch in southwestern Montana. You have to see it to believe it! 

MTV and Project Vote Smart to launch "Fantasy Election '12"

2012 April 24

Project Vote Smart is teaming up with MTV to launch a desktop and mobile game where points will be earned through information provided by PVS and other organizations, and candidates will be rewarded if they choose to participate in our "Political Courage Test"

April Common Ground E-Newsletter

2012 April 24

Sign up now to receive a copy of this monthly publication.

Three Quick Tips: Navigating the Project Vote Smart website

2012 April 17

At PVS, interns and staff contribute to a comprehensive research library of information on local and national politics, which can be easily utilized on the PVS website.

"Are you willing to tell citizens where you stand on the issues?"

2012 April 06

It's that time again! We're trying  to coax the truth out of politicians across the country with the Political Courage Test. Find out if your candidates are being tested now. 

March Common Ground E-Newsletter

2012 March 15

Sign-up now to receive a copy of this monthly publication. 

Going for broke: could GOP convention elect nominee?

2012 March 05

What if, following Super Tuesday, all four GOP candidates are still in the game and no clear frontrunner has emerged? 

Washington legislature legalizes same-sex marriage

2012 February 28

Legislators describe the difficulties of choosing sides in contentious and emotionally-charged debate. 

Challenges in Arizona: the Special Election in CD-8

2012 February 14

Following the resignation of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Arizona was faced with a unique situation in holding elections to replace the former Congresswoman.

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