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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

MTV and Project Vote Smart to launch "Fantasy Election '12"

2012 April 24

Today MTV announced that it would be teaming up with a partnership of philanthropic, technology ad political accountability organizations, including Project Vote Smart, to launch a desktop and mobile game that will give young people the chance to hold their congressional and presidential candidates accountable, while also encouraging involvement in Election '12.

Similar to Fantasy Football, “Fantasy Election ‘12” enables users to draft a team of candidates pursuing the presidency or congress, earning and losing points based on how their players behave in the real world. Users will also earn bonus points for real world actions like registering to vote, voting, and testing their political knowledge. Overall, success in the game will be based on two things: how candidates behave and what players do.”

MTV will reward all candidates who choose to make their positions on issues know by completing Project Vote Smart's “Political Courage Test”.

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