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Presidential Foreign Policies

2016 March 30

 **Updated; This post was written before Ted Cruz (more info;…/time-magazine-ted-cruzs-speech-on-su… ) and John Kasich (more info;…/john-kasichs-concession-speech-in-th…  ) dropped out.**

On March 22nd, three bombs were detonated in Brussels, Belgium, including one filled with nails.  Two were set off within nine seconds of each other in an airport lobby, and then another went off about an hour later on a subway. In total, the three detonations took the lives of at least 30 people and wounded more than 300 others. Less than a week later on Easter Sunday, a suicide bombing suspected of targeting Christians in Pakistan killed another 70 individuals and injured hundreds more. With these types of phenomena happening, foreign policy has become one of the main focuses of this election cycle. Each presidential candidate has their own take on foreign policy and America’s role in the Middle East right now.     

Beginning with the Republican candidates, Donald Trump tweeted things such as “N.A.T.O. is obsolete” and “we pay a disproportionate share of… N.A.T.O.” after the Brussels attack that some find controversial, but that he deems necessary to defeat international terrorism. Mr. Trump has also suggested in the past that he believes America should reinstate waterboarding as an interrogation tactic, as well as target the families of confirmed terrorists. On the broader scale, Donald Trump has supported the idea of nations outside the United States contributing more to the war ...

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