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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Project Vote Smart Studies Abroad

2007 July 06 - MikeW

Project Vote Smart strives to be America's source of reliable political information. Citizens can learn for themselves the issue positions and voting records of their government representatives, and can become educated voters with the Voter-Self-Defense-System. PVS is thought by many to be the best resource out there to guide American voters through the confusing world of politics.

Considering the emphasis PVS has placed on aiding American citizens, our organization is now being used by a surprising new market: the British Ministry of Defense. Project Vote Smart's Government 101 website, which provides detailed information on the procedures and working of the American government, is deemed so credible, that the Joint Service Command and Joint College wants to use it to train their best and brightest students.
The Ministry of Defense set up the Joint Service Command and Staff College in 1997 to provide command and staff training to selected officers of Britain's armed forces. The Intermediate Command and Staff Course is run annually for about 500 mature students at Major rank.

The word is spreading about PVS. Being sought out by the British military to educate their most promising future officers shows that our organization has moved to a new level of exposure. We are falling into new untapped markets without even trying; to me, this means PVS is on its way to a very exciting future.

By Becky Robinson, Media/PR Intern, Summer 2007

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Tags: Britain, blog
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