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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

2008 July 01 - Media

We recently received a thank you letter from the United States Department of State. The letter recognized our accomplishments and the knowledge we were able to provide for the international reporters. The letter reads as followed:

Dear Richard & Adelaide,

Thank you again for hosting the group of foreign journalist visiting the United States on the Foreign Press Center reporting tour "The Nuts & Bolts of an American Election: An Insider Look at How to Run an Election."

Our June 4 visit to your beautiful ranch was really a highlight of their trip to the U.S. And I'm not just saying that-their evaluation forms and comments proved how impressed they were by Project Vote Smart's goals, work, and spirit. One of the journalists wrote that the visit to Project Vote Smart "showed than even ordinary citizens can make a difference when it comes to elections."

The visit helped them understand the idea of transparency and voter education, two crucial components of our democracy. And several of them commented after our visit how surprised they were that American youths have such a strong sense of volunteerism and activist spirit.

I hope that you would be willing to let future groups visiting the United States come to your ranch. Thank you again!


Stacy MacTaggert

Program Officer for East Asia & the Pacific

Washington Foreign Press Center

Having visitors at our Great Divide Ranch is an essential part of spreading the word about PVS. They have visited the Ranch and found it ...

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