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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

October Common Ground E-Newsletter

2014 October 22

Year after mid-term election year the stats say that is so. But not with Smart Voters. A month before the election and we have already had 7.7 million unique visitors. That already eclipses visits during the last full presidential election cycle (when far more citizens are engaged) and vastly more than the last mid-term election cycles. Perhaps more importantly, our visitors are spending 25% more time on our site and seeing far more pages of data.
In the world of Vote Smart, that is significant and reason to be very hopeful.

Even more reviews:
“The non-partisan comprehensive elections data provided by Vote Smart allowed Bing to give our users high quality information on all the congressional, gubernatorial and state legislative candidates directly in the search experience.” 

"I have been navigating around the site and LOVE IT. It will be one of my ‘go-to’ places during this election cycle and I encourage all political junkies to check it out.” 
“I was so ecstatic when I found this site. I recommend it to almost everyone. I love love love this site.”
“You (Vote Smart) are a breath of fresh air in our political landscape! Retirement is coming soon for me and I hope I can give you more of my time and energy.”
"Thanks to all the hard workers who have made PVS the pre-eminent credibility artesian spring of American civics.”
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