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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Research Wrap Up: What are your legislators up to?

2017 April 05

Recent Legislation:

  • HR 1430: The House voted to pass a bill that prohibits the EPA from proposing any action or regulation that uses science which is not publicly available. This bill only allows the EPA to cite research that is verified by multiple, independent sources.

  • S J Res 34: A joint resolution concerning internet privacy was recently passed. This ruling overturns an FCC rule created last fall that would have prevented Internet Service Providers from selling individuals data.

  • HR 1181: A bill was passed in the House that allows veterans deemed mentally incompetent to purchase firearms and ammunition, unless ruled by a judge to be a danger to themselves or others.

  • The House passed two acts that grant Congress greater powers to control executive regulations. These bills establish clear procedures for reviewing all existing and proposed regulations in order to cute those that are unnecessarily burdensome.

  • PN 30: Jeff Sessions was confirmed to be the 84th Attorney General.

  • HR 7: A bill passed by the House prohibiting the use of taxpayer funds from going towards abortion services. Individuals can still purchase health coverage that includes abortion services, providing that no financial backing is appropriated by the federal government.

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