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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

We Need Geeks

2007 August 24 -

I work here in the PVS Information Technology department. I've come to enjoy my job in many ways. Working in the IT department allows you to work with great technologies, great people, for a great mission, and in a great place. No time in my life have I had a job with so many great aspects. And hopefully by telling you about what it's like to work here, you may consider coming out yourself.

The lead up to the 2008 elections is going to be a very busy time and I'm already starting to see it. We have a constant flow of fires that need to be put out alongside some very large projects that are just now starting to materialize. Due to this, we really need more people in the IT department.

First off, let me tell you about what you could be working with. We in the IT department are dedicated geeks. We like working with great tech and thrive on it. So in that aspect, we love to use Free and Open Source software whenever we can. Everything from Wordpress as you can see here, to FreeBSD on most of our servers. We tend to use whatever tech fits the situation or problem the best. We don't get stuck in enterprise software agreements or the general politics we see in large IT shops these days. And when there is no software out there to do what we need, we develop it in-house. That alone would be a top ...

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Summer at the Great Divide

2007 July 12 - Human Resources

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