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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Open Senate Seats: Nevada

2016 July 05

 In 2016, there are five Senators who are retiring: two Republicans and three Democrats. Flocks of candidates have put their bid in for the chance to become their state’s newest junior Senator.

Why should you care if you’re not located in one of the states that has a retiring Senator? The Senate is currently controlled by the Republican Party; 54 Republicans, 44 Democrats, and 2 Independents. 2016 could change the control in the Senate from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party.

This is the first blog post of one of the five senatorial races after the state’s primary election. In this post, we are going to cover Harry Reid’s seat. Senator Reid has served in some capacity in Congress since 1983, first as a Representative (1983-1986) and then as a Senator (1987-present). He is currently the Senate’s Minority Leader and serves on the Select Committee on Intelligence. Senator Reid has decided to retire.

There were eighteen candidates seeking Senator Reid’s seat before the primary that was held on June 14th. Now, for the major parties, that field is down to two candidates: Democrat Catherine Masto and Republican Joe Heck. This post will cover both of them along with all of the third party candidates. Each candidate’s name will link to their Vote Smart profile so you, the voter, can further research your candidates to make a more informed vote at the general election on November 8th.

The Democratic Party is being represented by Catherine Masto. Masto is the ...

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