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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Project Vote Smart joins the Smackdown Your Vote! network.

2007 November 21 - MikeW

Project Vote Smart is proud to announce that it will be working with the World Wrestling Entertainment's Smackdown Your Vote! throughout the 2008 elections.

"Smackdown Your Vote! was created in July 2000, as a non-partisan partnership to reach the 18-to 30-year-old demographic. The partnership has grown since then to include such organizations as the Rock the Vote, the League of Women Voters, Harvard's Institute of Politics , and University of Virginia 's Youth Leadership Initiative, developing a strong presence in the world of youth vote initiatives.

This partnership combines the strengths of each organization to reach the millions of young adults ages 18 to 30 years old to encourage them to become active participants in their democracy. Within this one partnership, the following resources are shared and offered to outside organizations to extend the reach to young adults:

Latest research on voting trends and data that supports the issues that affect young people

Grassroots organizations that are embedded in local communities throughout the U.S.

Global media exposure through such mediums as television and the Internet

A national voter issues paper that is used to solicit candidate positions in issues important to potential young adult voters"

Throughout 2008, our organizations will host a variety of events in the hopes of educating and engaging young voters from around the nation.


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