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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Project Vote Smart: Helping the Average Citizen (Oh, and the U.S. government, too)

2007 July 18 - Key Votes

It was an oppressively hot and gloomy day in the mountains of Montana. The staff and interns were trying to keep cool as they plowed their way forward saving democracy and providing all the information about candidates and elected officials that anyone could want. It's an important time. We're stepping up our efforts to get the whole country to know about us and utilize our extensive database. As the temperature closed in on 100 degrees, it sapped our strength. But then something happened that gave us a fresh push, a fresh drive, a fresh reason to keep plugging away at this sometimes seemingly insurmountable task: a hotline call came in.

This wasn't just any hotline call. Oh no. This was a tall order. The young woman wanted to know the contact information for every member of Congress. She didn't want their D.C. contact information, either. Rather, she wanted the contact info for all of their district offices. Oh boy, we thought, time to really work our magic.

Sometimes you just have to step up to the plate and show your stuff. Sometimes it's fun and sometimes it's not. But big projects can be fun too, even if that project is getting the district office contact information for every member of the U.S. House of Representatives. It's especially true when the caller asking for this information is calling from the U.S. House of Representatives!

Being an amazing source of information for the citizens of this country ...

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