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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Member Volunteer Spotlight: Ruth Kranovich

2012 July 30

Where do you live and what do you do there?
I live in Bakersfield, California. I am an active Deacon in my church, have volunteered at a hospital for over 20 years, and have taken medical mission trips to Guatemala for 20 years.

How long have you been a member of Project Vote Smart?
I have been a member and supporter of Vote Smart since 1992.

What made you want to volunteer here?
Since I am retired, volunteering provides an avenue for great, new experiences. The information given about The Ranch combined with computer research was intriguing. A friend and I decided to combine a driving vacation with 2 weeks living and working here. It was a great experience and now I have returned for the third year.

What tasks are you given in the office?
I have limited computer skills and so I am assigned to fact-checking what has already been entered in a database. I also participate in preparing mass mailings. I try to make my self available for whatever is needed.

Why do you feel Project Vote Smart is important?
It is the one place I have found where I can get factual political information that I know has been well researched and is unbiased. I also like that the information is free to everyone.

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National Intern Spotlight: Avantika Krishna

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July Common Ground E-Newsletter

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National Intern Spotlight: John Hogan

2012 July 03

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