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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

July Common Ground E-Newsletter

2014 July 21


Not sure that she would want to give us more who, of who she is but WOW would I like to.

She is a rare and exceptionally generous member who is concerned that we are not getting the word out about us and what we do and how we do it.

It was one of those quiet moments in our Montana office when you could hear a pin drop, only it was jaws that hit the floor and you could hear it all the way down in our University of Texas offices.

There are not many Peggys in the world.  People that have a growing sense of the crucial role Vote Smart will play in the re-birth of our democracy, such funds and a willingness to invest them in the future of the country that transformed the world for good.

It was a $100,000 check and it was paraded around the office with the clanging bell that has become an office fixture used to herald the extraordinary.

Because of Peggy, Vote Smart will be able to promote its new web site, powerful interactive new tools and make presentations and create stories on hundreds of media outlets throughout the nation.  We may even able to get to where you are.  But if we can’t get there personally we are developing a list of members in every state that can act as Vote Smart Ambassadors - people that are willing to present Vote Smart its powerful new systems to their friends, family and community through ...

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