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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

February Common Ground E-Newsletter

2014 March 07

Dear future Vote Smart volunteers,

This is the end of our 5th week in 2 years at Vote Smart as volunteers.  We are from Kalispell,  MT so for us, to travel from door to door is about 4 hours.  My husband and I braved the January snow of 2012 for our first 2 week volunteer internship at Vote Smart and returned again in September of 2012 to see what it was like in the milder weather. It was an election year and the "machine" of Vote Smart was hurriedly compiling and verifying information.   We felt the call to return again in January of 2014 to offer our skills and talents to the staff and interns at Vote Smart.  

You may ask, why do we make the time?  It has been and remains important to us to involve ourselves with our local community and other valued organizations.  Before retirement, we had lived and worked overseas for 34 years as employees of the Department of Defense.  We learned about Vote Smart when my husband was a Voting Assistance Officer for the civilians at Menwith Hill Station near Harrogate,  England.  We discovered that Vote Smart offered all voters, no matter where they were from, an excellent non-partisan, unbiased source of candidate information allowing the voter to make an informed decision before sending off their absentee ballot or when they returned to the states, standing at their local polling station.

As a volunteer, you have the chance to assist with various important processes at Vote Smart: data ...

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January Common Ground E-Newsletter

2014 February 06

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December Common Ground E-Newsletter

2013 December 17

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Senate Majority Exercises “Nuclear Option”

2013 December 12 - Key Votes

On November 21, 2013, the Senate voted 52-48 to amend the rules regarding confirmation of executive and judicial nominees.

November Common Ground E-Newsletter

2013 November 27

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Elections Aren't Just for Even Numbered Years

2013 November 06

It's Election Day! Well, for many of you it is.

Study finds critical need for Civic/Voter Education

2013 October 11

Ted McConnell, the Director for the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools and about to be one of Vote Smart's new board members sent me the following information about a critically important report issued yesterday.

September Common Ground E-Newsletter

2013 October 10

Sign up for our monthly E-Newsletter here.

August Common Ground E-Newsletter

2013 August 09

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Intern Spotlight: Manonh Soumahoro

2013 August 06

Take a look at what Manonh had to say about her internship...

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