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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Revolutionizing Transparency in Government through Technology

2014 September 15

What Do a Broadway Actress, U.S. Navy Captain and College Students Have To Do With Your Vote?

Vote Smart is Revolutionizing Transparency in Government through Technology

Great Divide Ranch, MT. — Transparency in government is evolving from a political tagline into an exciting reality thanks to Vote Smart’s multi-cultural, cross-generational volunteers and their new tools for voters. Fueled by citizens, from a Broadway actress to a retired Navy Captain, to hundreds of dedicated college students, Vote Smart is funded entirely by foundation grants and individual contributions from citizens across the political spectrum. Today, Vote Smart announces the unveiling of its powerful new tools that provide every citizen interactive, instant access to the facts on any politician, on any issue, at any time.

Tools such as I SPY and Political Galaxy provide user-friendly access to the unbiased information voters need to know about candidates and issues important to them, and cut through the chaos of today’s political circus.
-  I SPY empowers voters to select any politician and review their entire record: biography, key votes, issue positions, public statements, special interest group ratings and campaign contributors. 

Political Galaxy gives voters instant access to all the facts on any federal politician, on any issue, at any time.
-  VoteEasy enables voters to do side-by-side comparisons of Congressional candidates on 12 national issues—and then compare politicians’ stances with their own.
-  My Vote Smart offers voters timely updates and alerts on any politician or issue important to them

“The endless stream ...

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Three Prominent Elections Experts Join Vote Smart Board

2014 September 09

Three prominent political research experts, Brooks Jackson, Ted McConnell, and Sheila Krumholz, have joined the board of Vote Smart (, the leading non-partisan national research organization focused on politicians and elections.

Unmatched Free Database on 150,000 Politicians Now Available

2014 September 07

Vote Smart (, the leading non-partisan national research organization focused on politicians and elections, announced a series of massive additions to its factual database on over 150,000 current and former elected officials and candidates. 

Charity Navigator 4 Star Rating

2014 September 05

 Vote Smart’s Great Divide Research Center reported today that its member contributions have increased in 2014 by 81%, and that it has gotten Charity Navigator’s highest four star rating. 

August Common Ground E-Newsletter

2014 August 20

Sign up for our monthly E-Newsletter here.

Vote Smart Magic is Almost Here!

2014 August 08

We are only a few weeks away from announcing the biggest event in Vote Smart history.  It will transform the way you use our data and the way you view candidates and elections in the future. 

July Common Ground E-Newsletter

2014 July 21

Sign up for our monthly E-Newsletter here

Volunteer at the Great Divide Ranch!

2014 June 24

If you are a member and have ever thought of volunteering at Vote Smart and haven't done it yet, or if you want to return for another tour of duty, 2014 would be a great year to come volunteer at the ranch! 

June Common Ground E-Newsletter

2014 June 12

Sign up for our monthly E-Newsletter here

April Common Ground E-Newsletter

2014 April 24

 Sign up for our monthly E-Newsletter here

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