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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Blogging from The Bus 10/20

2007 October 20 - Bus Tour



Greetings from New Smyrna Beach, FL fellow defenders of democracy. I hope all is well amongst you. I apologize for taking so long to update you on our status from the road but I have been most busy during these first two weeks of our journey. I feel that I should begin this with some sort of start-date as I have long forgotten the date, day, and day of the week. Time seems to have fallen into a big blur.

The most difficult part of the bus tour so far is figuring out the bus itself. Each operating system has been difficult to familiarize ourselves with. For instance, neither JJ or I had ever dumped an RV waste tank until about a week ago. However, we are not talking any ‘ol RV. We are talking about a duel tank, multiple pump and dump system. It took approximately two and a half hours to dump the tanks and fill the new water tank on our first attempt. In addition, since that time we can perform this process in just under a half hour. Yet another system that had to figured out was the power generator. The organization we bought the bus from had no idea when the generator was serviced last, and no idea where the service manual was either. We ended up parking the bus outside of a NAPA parts store in Valdosta, GA and removing different parts as we went. This included the oil, air filter, fuel and water ...

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