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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Project Vote Smart and team up to motivate high school students.

2008 February 07 - Media

Project Vote Smart is proud to announce that it will be working with throughout the 2008 elections.

My 2 Cents for Change was created to give teens, ages 13-17, a voice in the upcoming presidential election. Through My 2 Cents for Change, you can add your thoughts on the issue that you feel most passionate about, whether it's education, healthcare or war and genocide.

Your 2 cents, when added to others' can make a great deal of change. And let the candidate's know that they don't have a choice but to listen to the voice of America's teens. We will share your 2 cents - as well as your thoughts and comments - with the presidential candidates of your choice. We are the future world decision-makers. Let's make our 2 cents count! My 2 Cents for Change is sponsored by BBYO, an organization committed to promoting discussion between teens of all backgrounds in an effort to empower yout leadership, civic involvement and cross-cultural dialogue. In addition to Project Vote Smart, My 2 Cents for Change's partners include: YouthNoise, Declare Yourself, Do Something, 18 in 08 and Generation Engage.

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