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Here's What's Happening in Congress:

2008 August 16 - Key Votes

Good day, Informed Voter,

Congress is on their annual August recess, but here is a quick recap of some of the voting activity in the House and Senate during late June and July. Look for more votes next week.

There have been several votes over the last couple of years on funding for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and another such vote was taken by the House on June 19. This was a House concurrence vote with a Senate amendment on HR 2642, and it provided $165.35 billion over fiscal years 2008 and 2009. The federal government's fiscal year begins on October 1 of each calendar year. You can view a summary of the content of this vote here. Always remember, also, that you can view the votes of your Representatives and Senators by clicking "How Members Voted" in the upper right of the summary pages.

HR 6304 is a bill addressing foreign electronic surveillance and the FISA program. The bill defines what types of individuals may be targeted through electronic surveillance and defines procedures required for implementing electronic surveillance. This bill passed the House on June 20 (summary) and passed the Senate on July 9 (summary). The House vote was 293-129, while the Senate vote was 69-28. The President signed this legislation into law on July 10.

HR 6304 provides civil immunity to telecommunications companies, and there was an amendment voted on in the Senate that would have removed the immunity language from the bill. This amendment was S Amdt 5064 (summary ...

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