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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

June Common Ground E-Newsletter

2013 June 30

Meeting Sandra Day O'Connor

by Darren McDivitt

The staff members at the Austin satellite office stress the importance of the learning experience our internship program offers, and our interns do a tremendous job in the office itself. However, we are always looking for new opportunities that will help reinforce the importance of their contributions to voter education through Project Vote Smart. With this approach in mind, we jumped at the opportunity for our staff and interns to attend a discussion on civics, featuring former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.

Hosted by our partners at UT, Austin, the Annette Strauss Institute, the discussion touched on a variety of topics ranging from Justice O’Connor’s background, to her experiences as the first female Supreme Court Justice. She proved to be an entertaining speaker, weaving humorous anecdotes into the discussion while showing a strong passion for the work she did working in Arizona and in the Supreme Court. The discussion concluded on the topic of civics education and Justice O’Connor’s role as the founder of iCivics. iCivics seeks to promote civics education by providing factual information, lesson plans, and interactive tools for use at the K-12 level.

When the opportunity to attend this event was announced, our staff and interns jumped at the chance to reserve spots, and found the experience very rewarding. “Her personable approach to the conversation struck me as very interesting. I have always admired her career, yet to see her personality and spot-on sense of humor made her ...

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Love the Work Vote Smart Does? Be a Part of It!

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