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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Common Ground e-Newsletter: December 2015

2015 December 14 - Melisa Oberti


Richard & Adelaide Kimball with POTUS & Abigail Adams

     Christmas Eve 1952: I was sound asleep when an enormous hulking fellow gently shook my shoulder. I can still remember how the bed sagged as I woke and he slowly sat down next to me. He had a colossal grin but said only one thing that I can remember, “I am going to put this chocolate Santa on your bed stand, so that in the morning, when you wake, you will know that I was really here.”

It was a thrill that lasts to this day. In fact, every Christmas Eve I can be found in a deluxe red and white suit and flowing snow white beard that has been tugged upon by every child I have known for dozens of years, as I have left countless chocolate Santas to the most appreciative audiences one could ever wish for.

     Helping to deliver Vote Smart is not so easy but it is a chocolate Santa on the grandest of scales.
     Wishing you all the happiest of holiday seasons and Vote Smart a wonderful New Year!

Richard Kimball
Vote Smart President 

P.S. Please help Vote Smart if you an with a 
tax-deductible contribution

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Our Intentions are Clear

2015 December 09 - Melisa Oberti

 Vote Smart's intentions are clear. We don't accept money from special interest groups or lobbyists. We only accept money from our members, foundations, and our API subscribers!

Common Ground e-Newsletter: November 2015

2015 November 05 - Melisa Oberti

Sign Up for our monthly e-Newsletter here.

Vote Smart Live-Tweeted the Republican Primary Debate on CNBC

2015 October 29 - John Eisenstein

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Vote Smart Live-Tweeted the First Democratic Primary Debate

2015 October 14 - Melisa Oberti

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August Common Ground E-Newsletter

2015 August 19

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May Common Ground E-Newsletter

2015 May 07

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March Common Ground E-Newsletter

2015 March 26

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An Honest Cat

2015 February 20

We have a cat here at the Great Divide Ranch, an orange tabby by the name of Franklin. He's mostly an outdoor cat, but, sometimes, when the weather is especially bleak we take pity and let him into the office.  

February Common Ground E-Newsletter

2015 February 13

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