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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Melting in the Heat for the Sake of Democracy

2009 July 21 - Bonnie

Down here in Tucson, we're dealing with 100 degree plus temperatures and the remaining work from the legislatures across the country who were exceptionally busy this spring.  Having posted well over 500 votes, we had our work cut out for us.  Fortunately, we've had some exceptionally good interns this summer to help out, including some who I anticipate will be with us in future semesters.  Perhaps what is most time consuming for us are the budgets that we've been working on, especially with some states passing their biennial budgets this year.  However, we've been able to make some headway.  I just recently posted the Colorado budget (SB 259) on the website and John finished writing one for Alaska.  Much more to come!

-JT Stepleton, Arizona Key Votes Staff

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The First Thing You See - Updated

2009 July 17 - Bonnie

Shufflings in Congress

2009 July 16 - Kristen Vicedomini

Sleepless in Seattle

2009 July 15 - Bonnie


2009 July 13 - Bonnie

Some Zeitgeist for Your Coffee?

2009 July 11 - Bonnie

Summer and Snow in Montana

2009 June 23 - sara

This Summer at Vote Smart

2009 June 19 - sara

New PVS Alumni Listserv

2009 February 12 - Tucson

Happy Halloween From Project Vote Smart

2008 November 01 - Media

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