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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

A Day In The Life

2009 August 12 - sara

An alarm, it sounds. I'd prefer not to abandon the log cabin "Liberty", the bed is warm and I'd rather sleep. The eyes begin to close again, bring the haze, but an electric current surges and I'm fully awake.


The president's cabinet. What are they saying today? A slip of the tongue won't pass by the eyes of myself, nor the other interns. Together we scan the audible-turned-readable, pixilated universe like rescue dogs covering an avalanche of transcripts, press releases, and statements.

My fellow interns and I give the masses a power over their rulers. A chance educate themselves.

With every mouse press I send possible significance to some citizen, non-citizen, adult, child, Democrat, Republican, or literate cyber-surfing bonobo. Us interns are saving democracy. 5 days a week, at 8 in the morning.

-Sark Peha (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, 2010, History Major, from Hermosa Beach, CA), Speeches Intern

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Project Vote Smart Photos

2009 July 21 - Bonnie

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