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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Vote Easy for the Win

2011 August 30

1. The 2011 Webvisonary Awards (Web Academy Awards) selects VoteEasy as the best there is.

2. The New York Museum of Modern Art displays VoteEasy as THE election tool to make sense of complex facts.

3. "VoteEasy demystifies the voting process … the ultimate tool.” Communication Arts Annual

4. “The most compelling voter info resource ever seen.” GovTrack

5."I loved "VoteEasy" as I could take a survey in twelve different categories and then see which candidates lined up with the majority of my views (which do not fit into a tidy little box with any single "party platform" but which reside purely within my heart). This is a non-partisan, non-profit website manned chiefly by volunteers which operates on non-political, private donations. Very, very, very cool....I think our Founding Fathers would approve! " - Labyrinth Wellness, LLC Blog

6. "The good folks at Project Vote Smart have developed an interactive feature that quickly matches your opinions on critical issues to congressional candidates you'll be choosing in the November election. Think of VoteEasy as the eHarmony of political web sites." - The Sacramento Bee

7. "The best part about VoteEasy is that it actually does help you make decisions about who to vote for. It lets you explore through a fun and engaging interactive without sacrificing clarity and accuracy." -

9. "Here's what Project Vote Smart is doing for you this year. It's at will find a very user-friendly (not to mention graphically entertaining) system on ...

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Impeachment of Judge Porteous

2010 December 18 - Key Votes

Fighting in the Dirt

2010 November 01

Project Vote Smart, CNN and prominent national leaders of both parties completed the 2010 National Political Courage Test to measure each congressional candidate’s bravado, tenacity and eagerness to avoid public scrutiny. 

To all Congressional Candidates: Gotcha!

2010 October 15

Project Vote Smart is putting a BIG GUARD DOG onto the political playing field. Today VoteEasy will go national with the attached release.  It has not been easy to create and we need your help to build on it. Even if you be a contributing member or volunteer, please use it to defend yourself from the political nonesense that frustrates and often disgusts us all. 

Mailing Madness

2010 June 03 - robin

The Selfish vs. The Irresponsible

2010 March 02 - Richard Kimball

The Open Government Directive

2009 December 15 - Kristen Vicedomini

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