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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

VoteEasy Tool Launched in Nebraska

2012 August 28

VoteEasy Tool Launched in Nebraska


PROJECT VOTE SMART HEADQUARTERS (08/28/2012) — VoteEasy, the new candidate match tool designed for voters, and winner of “Best Picture” at the Webvisionary Awards, was launched for Nebraska today.

This interactive tool found at enables citizens to instantly compare their views on the most central issues facing the nation to those of each presidential and Nebraska congressional candidate, in order to see which candidate will best represent them if elected.

VoteEasy is powered by issue positions received directly from the candidates via the organization's 2012 Political Courage Test, or by issue position research investigated by Vote Smart staff using the candidates' public records.

“VoteEasy lets users take a look under the hood, so to speak,” said Darren McDivitt, Political Courage Test Director. “Users who question the tool as a credible source are encouraged to view our thoroughly-documented research for each of the candidates inferred issue positions, to which we only turn to if candidates are unwilling to provide this information themselves.”

Since 1996, Vote Smart has conducted the Political Courage Test, which has asked every presidential, congressional, gubernatorial and state legislative candidate in the country one question: “Are you willing to tell citizens your positions on the issues you will most likely face on their behalf?”

“As candidates now spend enormous sums of money to attack each other, ignore real issues, and torture facts, citizens must have the means to defend their right to ...

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