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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Summer lovin'

2007 August 03 - Media

Erics crew I wish that PVS were a woman, because then I would marry her. She is everything I've ever wanted, she is everything I will ever need. Realistically this isn't happening; not only is this logistically impossible, but the social stigma of falling in love with a non-profit organization would be too much to handle. But, for the sake of this blog post let's break down the reasons why.

Looks: Her Red, White and Blue web design is classy but yet stylish, subtle but yet extravagant; The modern day Kathryn Hepburn.

Integrity: Let's be serious here. PVS is the foremost non-partisan political research organization on the web. It's information is trusted and relied on by people from all walks of life, it's the Edward R. Murrow of the information superhighway.

Personality: I'll be honest here, I've had more fun this summer than any summer in the history of Western Civilization. Montana itself has a glut of outdoor activities to participate in, but more often than not, the people make the activities, and the people here have been nothing short of incredible. Every day I walk into the office it's like walking into Cheers, except I'm not ID'ed at the entrance and Norm isn't slouched in a stool.

I know I can speak for Nick B, Nick H, Tariq, Rob, George and Alec when I say that we wish that PVS was a person, because then we could marry it. That's how much we ...

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Tags: blog, interns


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