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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.


2008 July 12 - Media

Interns and volunteers alike have been building a Voter's Self Defense System of trustworthy information on incumbents and candidates at every level of government for the past 16 years. The final leg of a nationwide tour was launched on July 11th to deliver it to American voters.

The Vote Smart message is being delivered from a 45-foot mobile research training center. The training center is equipped with a movie theater, free wi-fi computer terminals and other unique exhibits that make becoming an informed voter interesting and entertaining. Citizens are given tutorials on how to get the most out of visiting Project Vote Smart's website and using the free resources.

One of the main attractions of the tour is a spinning politician placed on a roulette wheel that literally loses the hype and rhetoric he has clothed himself with when confronted with Project Vote Smart facts. Another popular exhibit is a giant red and blue ball that can be signed by citizens with messages for their candidates about their campaign behavior. They will be delivered to the candidates on Election Day in Washington D.C.

The first stop was at Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library in Ann Arbor followed by Lansing Community College in Lansing. The Voter's Self-Defense System is expected to visit close to 100 communities nationwide within the next three months. Everyone will have the opportunity to gain knowledge needed to defend themselves from the hype and spin that comes from political campaigns today. The tour will conclude November 3 ...

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