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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Review of 2009 Ballot Measures: Elections and Officials-- Follow-Up

2009 November 06 - Kristen Vicedomini

Follow-Up on Elections and Officials Ballot Measures:

Question 7 in Maine failed to pass, though unofficial election results indicate it was only by a few percentage points.  This constitutional amendment would have extended the amount of time to process direct initiative petitions and redefined the deadlines for people's veto referendum petitions.

In Texas, Proposition 7: Allowing Members of the Texas State Guard to Hold Civil Office and Proposition 10: Allowing Board Members of Emergency Services Districts to Serve Four Years both passed, along with the 9 other proposed constitutional amendments on the Texas ballot.  Preliminary tallies suggest that over 70% of voters voted "yes" on each of these Propositions.

-Kristen Vicedomini, Research Director

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