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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

September Common Ground E-Newsletter

2012 September 28

News from the Texas Office

In January 2011, we moved our Legislative Research department to facilities graciously offered by the University of Texas at Austin, thus beginning a blossoming partnership between Project Vote Smart and the faculty and staff of the University of Texas' Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life.

With the help of the University and the Institute, we were able to launch our Legislative Research Internship Program, which has grown from just 13 students in its first semester to nearly 30 students today. Our team of talented interns, along with the Department’s 3 full-time staff members, selects more than 1,000 Key Votes each year from Congress and the 50 state legislatures. We publish legislators’ voting records and write clear, accurate, and non-partisan summaries of each bill, which are available to the public on the legislation page of our website. 

Project Vote Smart takes the mystery out of complex legislation with our easy-to-read bill summaries.  In addition, we are committed to providing free access to congressional and state voting records, so we have all of our key votes grouped by issue so that users can quickly locate bills of interest.  To see the results of all our Legislative Research interns’ hard work, click here.

Factual, Nonpartisan and it fits in your pocket! 

Not a member of Vote Smart and want to request your copy of the 2012 Voter's Self Defense Manual? Call us toll-free at
1-888-VOTESMART, or send us your mailing address to


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Do your candidates have political courage?

2012 September 28

Find out if your state-level candidates have shown courage in their 2012 campaigns. 

VoteEasy Tool Launched in Ohio

2012 September 25

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