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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Same-Sex Marriage Wrap-Up

2012 November 19

Over the past few years, the country has witnessed an abundance of legislation on both the state and national levels regarding same-sex marriage. The issue has raised debates regarding the institution of marriage and the rights associated with it. While supporters of same-sex marriage argue that all couples should have the same recognition and rights, opponents stand by the definition of marriage as one between a man and a woman.

In 1996, the Federal government passed the Defense of Marriage Act, DOMA, which defines marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman. In 2010, however, it repealed the military’s 1993 Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Amendment, which prohibited members of the armed forces from being openly homosexual. Most recently, Congressional action regarding same-sex marriage has included two amendments, H Amdt 1416 and H Amdt 1096. Both amendments prevent the use of funds to be used in contravention of Defense of Marriage Act. In its National Defense Authorization Act for 2013, Congress includes a provision that prohibits the use of a military installation to officiate, solemnize, or perform a marriage or marriage-like ceremony for the union of same-sex couples.

38 States have laws or constitutional provisions similar to the Defense of Marriage Act and 3 states have no provisions defining marriage. 9 states as well as the District of Columbia now authorize same-sex marriage and grant the same rights to all couples. A number of other states allow civil unions and domestic partnerships for same-sex couples. These types of state-level spousal ...

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The Election is Over, But We're not Done!

2012 November 16

During the 2012 election cycle, 1.5 million NEW users discovered Vote Smart adding to the millions already "voting smart." 

Intern Spotlight: Laura Diamond

2012 November 15

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Can I register to vote today?

2012 November 06

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Undecided Voters can VoteEasy!

2012 November 02

Vote Smart announces today their added technological capacity which is now sufficient to handle the millions of undecided voters expected to use its award-winning candidate match tool, VoteEasy. 

Candidates Flunk 20-Year Study of Political Courage

2012 October 29

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Intern Spotlight: Colleen Roache

2012 October 24

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Vote Perfect with VoteEasy

2012 October 22

VoteEasy is now available for voters in all 50 states.

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