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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

A message from Richard Kimball, President

2012 January 31

Tens of thousands of Americans have put their effort, their support, even their reputation into building Project Vote Smart and as a result, it has won every award imaginable. However, because of the mess politicians have steered us into, it is clear there are still so many Americans unaware of our work to change this country’s course.

I’m not asking you for a donation. What I am asking for is something far easier and more influential. I am hopeful that with a push from our board, our members, our volunteers, and lastly, from the millions of citizens who have simply used our resources, we will be able to turn the corner and really reach our fellow Americans.

What I’m asking is that you watch, and then forward this message and video to your entire email list, or, at the very least, a dozen friends or colleagues who you know would be interested in helping us change our country’s future if they only knew what is being built here at Vote Smart.

The Founding Fathers’ greatest fear was that in the end, people would simply form factions, and rather than fight for the common good, they would form selfish interests and fight over the gifts they could vote themselves from the public treasury. That day has come, and without what we have built at Vote Smart, reason and civility can not regain the advantage.

Our free and accessible database found at is just the tiniest tip of the iceberg. Think ...

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Where it all began

2012 January 11

It was unclear what might be done to ensure that citizens had at least one independent source to easily acquire accurate information, but what we eventually decided upon remains the heart of Project Vote Smart today.

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