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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Indiana Candidates Being Tested

2008 April 01 - MikeW

Recently candidates in the primary elections in Indiana, North Carolina and Pennsylvania received notification that they were being tested with the Political Courage Test.

The Political Courage Test asks candidates one central question: "Are you willing to tell citizens your positions on the issues you will most likely face on their behalf?" If they answer "yes" we ask them to prove it by responding to a series of questions about these issues.

The testing period for these candidates ends on April 9th.

If you live in these and you haven't done so already, contact the candidates that are vying for your vote and encourage them to respond to the Political Courage Test.

The contact information for all of the candidates can be found by going to and simply entering your zip code on the left hand side, or by calling our Voter's Research Hotline at 1-888-Vote-Smart.

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2007 September 07 - Key Votes

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