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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Precious Moments

2008 April 10 - Key Votes

Here some more of those precious moments when we're reminded that lawmakers say the darnedest things...

We've got a few fun quotes from our elected officials from last year yet that we haven't yet posted, and several that have been uttered so far in 2008. Below are these analogies, puns, metaphors, and other unique statements and actions produced by our legislators.

First, the Remainder of the Quotes from 2007

From the Congress:

During discussion about a bill making changes to mining royalties and costs of purhasing land for mining (HR 2262) U.S. Representative Nick Rahall from West Virginia said "At $2.50 an acre, these valuable Federal lands are being transferred out of public ownership for fast-food hamburger prices."

Commenting on the energy bill HR 6, U.S. Representative George Radanovich of California quipped "The static electricity created by my shoes rubbing across this carpet creates more energy than the [...] energy bill."

Comparing the total dollar amount of the earmarks in the consolidated spending bill for 2007 (HR 2764) to the amount of the earmarks two years before, U.S. Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia stated that the 2007 total was 43 percent lower, commenting that "That ain't chicken feed."

From Florida:

Following a vote to adopt a constitutional amendment on homestead, State Senator Alex Villalobos bluntly stated that his chamber's plan was "bull[$#!*]" because it "screws" south Florida seniors.

Source: "Homestead Amendment Squeaks Through Florida Senate" by the Miami Herald on October 18 ...

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