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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

813 Days With Project Vote Smart

2009 September 02 - Bonnie

As is the case with most who work, intern or volunteer with Project Vote Smart, I did not really know what to expect of my newest adventure. Was there really a high tech political research facility in the middle of the Rocky Mountains? It took four stops and three airplanes to get to Missoula from Northern California, the last of which I am not entirely sure was not held together with much more than duct tape and hope. The two hour drive was breath-takingly beautiful. It is quickly apparent why Montana is referred to as the Big Sky State.

After six weeks of what I thought of as Project Vote Smart boot camp, I transferred to the Tucson office, where I would be responsible for recruiting and training about 40 student interns. I was given the opportunity to work in both the Public Statements Department and the Key Votes Department. We developed great professional relationships with several of the interns, leading some to be hired as part time staff and others to volunteer their time semester after semester. It felt like a family, deeply dedicated to the mission of Project Vote Smart!

Summers here in Tucson can get a little tiresome, whereas in Montana, the summer is the much deserved reward for surviving the long winter. Therefore, it was not a surprise when the National Director put out a desperate plea for volunteers to work on the Project's National Bus Tour. I jumped at the opportunity! I have always loved to travel, and through ...

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It's About Time

2009 August 21 - Bonnie

Ghosts and Memories

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Summer and Snow in Montana

2009 June 23 - sara

This Summer at Vote Smart

2009 June 19 - sara

Past, Present, and Future

2008 July 08 - Media

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