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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Intern Spotlight: Manonh Soumahoro

2013 August 06

Where are you from?

The Ivory Coast, and now I’m living in Atlanta, Georgia

What school do you attend/what do you study?
I’m a senior at Georgia State University. I’m a double major in Spanish with a concentration in literature and Political Science with a concentration in international affairs.

What are your plans after you graduate?
I plan to move to Chile for a year and then go to law school.

What are your hobbies?
I enjoy playing volleyball, reading, traveling, and learning new languages.

What do you do at PVS? What is a typical day for you?
I am a research intern in the Speech Collections Department. During my day, I read public statements of every U.S. Senator and about 2 dozen House members. This covers anything written about them, anything they’ve said on the floor, or anything posted on an official’s website.

What have you enjoyed most about interning here?
I’ve enjoyed being in Montana, meeting new people, and trying something different!

Why do you think PVS is so important?
These days people focus so much more on the rhetoric than on the actual facts. Hyperpartisanship is such a big problem in the U.S. today and organizations like Project Vote Smart are rare. Not a lot of organizations just try to inform the public at no cost.

What have you gotten out of your internship experience?
I feel like I’ve learned so much in and out of the office. I’ve learned how ...

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