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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Blogging from the Bus is Back

2008 January 16 - Bus Tour

Hello, this is Tony Boehm, a member of the media department at PVS. I was lucky enough to get to go out on this leg of our bus tour and avoid the worst part of the Montana winter. I will be on the bus for about 6 weeks traveling from Chicago, IL to San Diego California and many stops in between.

I'll try to update you whenever I can on this very informal bus tour blog.


01/10/07, Appleton, WI

We spent today in Appleton, WI. We were parked outside a eco, non-profit, community coffee shop.

We had limited foot traffic, but everyone that came by seemed genuinely interested in what we had to say. Two television stations came by to do stories about the bus and I did my first TV interview. Nice.

Last night was my first night sleeping on the bus (I was able to stay with family and friends the first few days when in Milwaukee), which makes the whole thing more real. My colleague J.J. Is veteran, having already been on the bus a few months. He has to do all the driving too and we have over 300 miles to drive tonight. Hopefully I won't get us lost.


01/11/07 West Des Moines, IA

Wow, Appleton to Des Moines during a snowstorm is a pretty long drive. We were on the road for almost 10 hours. The phrase "Quiet. Democracy is being reborn", which is posted up in our office , crossed my ...

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