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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Precious Moments

2008 February 22 - Key Votes

Good day, Informed Voter! It's time to really get to know your lawmakers again! Here are some unique quotes, analogies, and actions by your elected officials and parties that we have come across in various media outlets in the last several months.

From Alabama:

The Calhoun County GOP awarded State Senator Charles Biship (R) a trophy for punching State Senator Lowell Barron (D) in the face on the Senate floor after Barron called Lowell a "son of a ...'. According to the Associated Press, the GOP group gave Bishop the trophy for his 'defending of womankind.' (Source: "Worth Noting: Students Get an Eyeful" October 5, 2007)

From Illinois:

Commenting on the bickering on the budget in Sprinfield last fall, State Senator Martin Sandoval (D-Chicago) made this comparison: "There is more consensus and there is more working together in the Middle East than there is beneath the dome of the General Assembly." (Source: Chicago Tribune "Senate Restores Sliver of Governor's Budget Cuts" October 11, 2007)

From Illinois:

Responding to frustrations from some state senators about his decision to allow a vote on only a few of the items vetoed from the budget by the Governor, Senate President Emile Jones stated "I'll be damned if I'm going to be dictated by anyone in this chamber, anyone [in the governor's office], or anyone in the other chamber." (Source: The State Journal Register "Senate Votes to Keep Governor's Budget Cuts" October12, 2007)

From South Carolina:

Governor Mark Sanford has resisted ...

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