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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Elections Aren't Just for Even Numbered Years

2013 November 06

It's Election Day! Well, for many of you it is.
Today, New Jersey and Virginia have Gubernatorial and State Legislative elections. Virginians also have Statewide elections on top of that. Maine, Washington, Colorado, Texas, New York, and New Jersey all have ballot measures coming to a vote and the following states and districts have special elections today:
Texas State House 50

New York State Assembly 86

Mississippi State House 55

Georgia State House 100

Washington State Senate 7

Mississippi State House 5

Georgia State House 104

Washington State Senate 8

Alabama US House run-off 1

Georgia State House 127

Washington State Senate 26

Michigan State House 49

Georgia State Senate 14

New Hampshire State House 35

Massachusetts 2nd Hampshire and Hampden

New York State Assembly 53

Mississippi State House 110

That's quite a few elections and Vote Smart is covering all of them! If you live in these states and districts don't forget to head to your polling place and cast your vote. Even if you don't live in a state or district that is holding an election today check out to find out what's going on around the country.
For those of you already anticipating the 2014 mid-term elections you can start tracking your candidates and elections on now. Start by creating a profile or logging into your existing profile and when you get to the page of a candidate or official that you want to keep tabs on, click the push-pin icon that ...

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