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The Voter’s Speakeasy featuring unbiased reporting and insight into life at Vote Smart from our staff, interns, and volunteers.

Skip the Mudslinging with the Voter's Self Defense Manual

2012 October 03

Skip The Mudslinging With the Voter's Self-Defense Manual


PROJECT VOTE SMART HEADQUARTERS (10/04/2012) — Citizens everywhere are urged to request their free copy of the 2012 Voter's Self-Defense Manual, offering unbiased, relevant, factual information on all members of Congress, and new for this edition, a comprehensive issue positions guide to the 2012 Presidential candidates. (View the online copy)


A few things to look for inside the 2012 Manual:

  • Key Votes - Find out how your representatives have voted on key legislation.

  • Interest Group Ratings - See how your representatives are rated by seventeen competing special interest groups.

  • Campaign Contributions - A run-down on how much money your representatives and presidential candidates are raising and spending.

  • Political Courage Test Results - Find out which representatives and presidential candidates have the political courage to inform citizens of their positions on the issues they will face if elected.

  • Contact Information - Mailing addresses, phone and fax numbers, web and email addresses for your congressional and presidential candidates.

 The Voter’s Self-Defense Manual is now available to all voters at no cost by simply calling toll-free, 1-888-VOTESMART, or by sending their name and mailing address to


Vote Smart's complete Voter’s Self-Defense System includes information on over 40,000 incumbents and candidates easily accessible at, and the award-winning, interactive tool for voters, VoteEasy, found at VoteEasy enables every citizen to instantly discover which of their Presidential and Congressional candidates best aligns with them on the major issues ...

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