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Same-Sex Unions 2009-- Follow-Up

2009 November 06 - Kristen Vicedomini

Follow-Up on Same-Sex Unions Ballot Measures:

In Maine, the voting populace successfully vetoed the legalization of same-sex marriage (Question 1 on the November 3rd Ballot).  As of yet, no state has passed such a measure by popular vote,  according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

It is doubtful that legislation legalizing same-sex marriage would be signed into law in New Jersey or Virginia once the newly-elected governors take office.   New Jersey Governor-elect Chris Christie has stated:

"While, I have no issue with same sex couples sharing contractual rights, I believe that marriage should remain the exclusive domain of one man and one woman.  If a bill legalizing same sex marriage came to my desk as Governor, I would veto it." (see the complete text of this issue position)

Virginia Governor-elect Bob McDonnell's 2009 campaign website lists his position as follows:

"Bob McDonnell believes marriage is the union between one man and one woman.   As a legislator, Bob McDonnell was chief sponsor and author of a constitutional amendment protecting traditional marriage (Chief Patron, HJ 187, 2004).  As Attorney General, Bob supported Virginia's marriage amendment and wrote an official opinion explaining that it would not affect the current legal rights of unmarried persons."  (see the complete text of this issue position)

Washington's Referendum 71, on the other hand, seems to have passed by a slim margin.  This will effectively treat domestic partnerships as equal to marriage under the law, except in name.

-Kristen Vicedomini ...

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