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How You Can Help

Save A Voter

Give the gift of knowledge this holiday season

This holiday season, introduce that special voter in your life to an invaluable resource they are sure to appreciate during the upcoming 2012 election year: Project Vote Smart.

When you give the gift of a Project Vote Smart membership you are not only helping to shape a more informed voting community, you are also making an investment in the future of our democracy. A future where elections are won based on fact, and not on emotion. A future where candidates' show courage in their campaigns. And a future where tolerance of issue-less rhetoric and misleading campaign attacks that now define American politics is no longer acceptable.

Your gift membership will include:

  • Buy One, Get One where your gift membership purchase also goes towards a complimentary membership or membership renewal just for you
  • Special Mail Delivery with Holiday Card announcing your present and including all Vote Smart membership materials.
  • Copy of the Voter's Self Defense Manual
  • Special Invitations to visit and volunteer at our Great Divide Ranch Research Headquarters in southwest Montana.
  • Common Ground E-Newsletter subscription to our monthly e-communication with program updates, valuable non-partisan insight into our political climate, and much more.
  • Project Vote Smart informational DVD (upon request)
  • Bring the Truth to Light flashlight pen (included with mail delivery)

As a volunteer-based, research organization which refuses funding from interest groups, lobbyists, corporations, or the government, our members' support allows us to maintain our wealth of trusted information, remain innovative in our approach, and inspire the next generation of voters.

If you prefer to make your donation by phone or mail, you can call us toll-free at 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762), or user our printer-friendly donation form which you can mail with your check to:

Project Vote Smart
One Common Ground
Philipsburg, MT 59858

Happy Holidays!

Holiday Gift Membership

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Recipient Information

Founding $1,000
Sustaining $250
Supporting $100
General $45
Other $

Project Vote Smart does not handle or store any credit card information on our site. When you click on "Proceed" below, you will be taken to a secure site which will record your financial information.

Fields marked with an asterisk(*) are required.

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