
October Common Ground E-Newsletter

21 October 2012

Voters from California to Maine, VoteEasy is ready to use!

After months and months of candidate testing, and even more research, we're proud to announce that all 50 states are now LIVE inside our interactive tool, VoteEasy

 1. Visit
2. Click on “Explore Candidates” on the left-hand side of the page under “Congressional Election
3. Click on your state and enter your zip code 
4. Then all you have to do is choose any or all of the 13 issue tabs and provide your answers to a series of issue-related questions

Watch as the candidates who most align with you reveal themselves! 


A unique aspect of the Project Vote Smart headquarters is our remote location, which allows volunteers, interns and staff the opportunity to enjoy the scenic atmosphere of the Montana Rockies, as they work hard providing factual information to voters. 

Our location, however, can sometimes be somewhat daunting for visiting journalists, who are perhaps not used to venturing 12 miles down a dirt road - but KECI-TV of Missoula decided to brave the trip earlier this month. View the story here...

What are we working on?
In the run-up to the election, the Research Department's staff and interns are hard at work compiling and checking congressional candidate speeches and public statements, and researching state legislative candidate biographies and position papers. Their work doesn't stop after the election however, as they will continue to research speeches and public statements for the President, Vice President, members of the House and Senate, and Governors, as well as updating city and county officials and their contact information. Not only that, but once the new legislative session begins in January, we will be updating all federal and state elected officials' biographical and contact information.

Our Political Courage Test Department has been hard at work this Fall researching congressional candidates for VoteEasy and are now proud to announce that all 50 states were made LIVE as of October 19th. Although most of our Political Courage Test results are already online, all offices, across 50 states, will be available by October 26th. In preparation for the election, our staff are hard at work ensuring that all our candidate lists reflect who is actually on the ballot, last minute changes and all!
Staff will begin entering the General Election results beginning on November 7th!

National Intern Spotlight: Colleen

What is your typical day like?
On a typical work day, I arrive at the office at 8am and get started on candidate research. This usually involves reviewing candidates' campaign websites and presence on social media outlets to determine how they stand on various issues on our Political Courage Test. Lately, I've also been working to help update the website with biographical information. After the work day ends, I'll usually eat dinner in the lodge and spend the remainder of the day reading, running, and/or relaxing.
Why do you feel Project Vote Smart is important?
I came here because I believe Project Vote Smart is a valuable contributor to the United States and its people. Too often, we are so blinded by rhetoric and partisanship that it seems democracy is impossible. Oftentimes, we who are without wealth or influence may feel powerless. But this organization is a resource that empowers the average American and is a reminder that this is a government of, for and by the PEOPLE, not the parties. 
Read More Here . . . .

Winter Interns and Volunteers

A big thank you to all of our Fall/Winter interns and member volunteers who have assisted our staff in tremendous ways this election season!

Related tags: 2012-election, blog, e-newsletter, elections, interns, volunteers, vote-easy

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