College Campus Sexual Assault

Floor Speech

Date: July 9, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, the last amendment I have is a different subject, and it deals with college campus sexual assault. It would simply say that every college campus should have a confidential, independent advocate to help sexual assault survivors every step of the way.

I am proud to say that my legislation has been voluntarily adopted by universities in my home State of California, including the University of California, the State college system, and the community college system, to the extent they can deal with it, because there is a lot of discretion in that particular group of colleges. But I haven't heard from the private colleges in California.

So all we are saying in this amendment is let's make sure every college campus that gets Federal funds sets up a confidential advocate for women--for men as well who are also victims of sexual assault--so that from the beginning of their complaint they have a friend, they have a confidant, and they have someone who knows their rights with them every step of the way. I would be so proud to see this included.

I thank the Presiding Officer for his endurance on this little talk.

