New Clinton Emails, Oversight Update


Date: June 30, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

The Select Committee on Benghazi uncovered new emails to or from Secretary Clinton regarding Libya and Benghazi. These emails should have been part of the public record when Secretary Clinton left office and at a bare minimum included when the State Department released Clinton's self-selected records on Libya. We now know Secretary Clinton failed to turn some of these records over to the State Department thus directly contradicting her earlier assertions that she turned all work related emails over to the Department of State. This highlights again the need for a neutral, detached third party to review her server and ensure the public record is complete.

Many South Carolinians are talking about the Confederate flag right now, and have asked my thoughts. This was historically an issue dealt with by state legislators and Governors in South Carolina, not Members of Congress. Nevertheless, as a lifelong resident of South Carolina, I do have an opinion. I agree with Senator Tim Scott in toto and believe the flag should be moved to a museum on South Carolina history. One week ago, I spoke with Greta Van Susteren regarding this. Watch here.

On Friday, I attended the service in Charleston for Reverend Clementa Pinckney. As our state mourns this horrible tragedy and loss of nine innocent lives, the grace and forgiveness of the victims' families is a profound inspiration to all South Carolinians. They have shown us what it means to love in the face of hatred, and shine light into the darkness.

Last week, the Oversight Committee held hearings on the data breach at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and on the missing emails of IRS employee Lois Lerner. An emerging theme in both was the utter failure of the self described "most transparent Administration" to be forthright with the American public.

OPM Data Breach:

On Wednesday, we had a hearing on the massive data breach at OPM, which put at risk the personal information of millions of current, former or potential federal employees.

Missing IRS Emails:

Despite ongoing congressional and Inspector General investigations into the IRS targeting scandal, the IRS erased thousands of Lois Lerner's emails in March of 2014.
