Gowdy Invites State Department to Brief SC Delegation on Refugee Resettlement


Date: June 3, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Trey Gowdy (R- SC) issued this statement regarding the State Department's non-response to his follow-up questions on the Spartanburg refugee resettlement:

"The State Department's response to our office's 14 follow up questions was again sorely inadequate and failed to provide answers. Additionally, our office met with World Relief in April, contrary to State's most recent letter. Because the State Department was wrong on this account, and because our office did not receive answers to our questions during that meeting with the resettlement agency, we are inviting State Department Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Julia Frifield to provide a briefing to the South Carolina delegation on this issue.

"From the beginning, our interest in this issue has not been to advocate for an outcome, but to ensure transparency and get answers to constituent questions. We will continue to pursue those answers through a face-to-face briefing with the State Department."
