Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Floor Speech

Date: May 13, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Women Abortion


Ms. DelBENE. Madam Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to H.R. 36, a nationwide 20-week abortion ban.

It is truly appalling to me that House leaders keep ignoring the needs of middle class families while taking up bill after bill restricting women's access to health care--and during National Women's Health Week, no less.

The legislation we are debating today is an unconscionable attack that ignores medical safety and puts women's health at risk. It creates unnecessary burdens to care for sexual assault survivors, who are already facing extraordinarily difficult circumstances, and it injects ideology into the doctor-patient relationship. It puts politicians, rather than women, in charge of their medical care.

Madam Speaker, House leaders need to stop interfering in what is a deeply personal medical decision. The American people expect better from this Chamber, and they deserve real solutions to the challenges they are facing. This bill fails women and their families, and I urge my colleagues to vote ``no.''

