Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1732, Regulatory Integrity Protection Act of 2015; Providing for Consideration of Conference Report on S. CON. RES. 11, Conccurrent Rsolution on the Budget, Fiscal Year 2016; and Providing for Consideration of H.J. RES. 43, Disapproval of District of Columbia Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Amendment Act of 2014

Floor Speech

Date: April 30, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. Speaker, this resolution is extreme, and it is an outrage to women everywhere. The Republican majority is saying with this resolution that they think a woman's employer has a say in the woman's reproductive healthcare choices, even though the Supreme Court, the Constitution, and women all across this country know that they don't.

It is bad enough that the majority party believes your boss should dictate whether your healthcare plan covers birth control. Now they want to make sure your boss has the right to fire you just for using birth control.

If that was all they were saying, that is outrageous enough, but it is not. This resolution would actually give employers the right to fire an employee for the reproductive healthcare choices of their spouses, or even their children.

Think about it. The other side is saying that it is all right to fire someone because their boss doesn't like their wife's, or even their children's, healthcare choices. Talk about restricting someone's rights.

It would take away a whole range of women's private decisions and make them fireable offenses. In vitro fertilization, you are fired. Exercising your right to choose, you are fired. You have a daughter on birth control, you are fired.

This is outrageous, ridiculous, and totally unacceptable. It is an insult to women everywhere. And even more amazing is that this resolution is being proposed by the so-called party of states' rights.

They are not proposing a Federal law. They are taking away the rights of a locality, the District, Washington, D.C., which is larger than some States and has a population larger than most States.

